About this service -

This service is for people seeking Will information from The Australian Will Register™ database. This service will only search for Wills and enduring powers of attorney registered using the Australian Will Register™ platform. This service requires an upfront payment. The service fee is non-refundable.

Instructions -
  • Do not provide fraudulent or misleading information.
  • Credit/Debit card is required to make an online payment.
  • Ensure your email address is valid.
Pricing -
AUD 27.50

Please enter details about you in the input boxes given below. Do not put the Will maker information in this section. Your email address and phone number is required for all future communication related to this search.

Please enter your first name. Minimum 3 characters.
Please enter your last name. Minimum 3 characters.
Please provide an email address

Please provide your mobile number.
Please enter your credit/debit card details below, and submit your payment to finalize the Will search.
