The Australian Will Register™ is an essential part of the Will making process and you should ensure you do so with a register with impeccable credentials.
There are many reasons why a Will may have been forgotten about, maliciously destroyed, or where an unknown later copy exists. The Australian Will Register™ aims to reduce the risk of distributing an estate during probate on an assumed intestacy basis or when a Will or later Will may exist. A search of The Australian Will Register™ is the starting point to understand if a Will or later Will exists.
The Australian Will Register™ aims to protect the Testator's beneficiaries by ensuring, their Will can be found and their last wishes adhered to. The Australian Will Register™ does not disclose the existence of a Will or need to see a copy of it to register it. The existence of a Will is not disclosed by the 'holder' (solicitor, etc) who registers the Will but the existence of the Will is disclosed after a death has been confirmed by way of a death certificate.
The system continues to grow daily.
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To allow people and their solicitors to store a certified copy of their Wills and a record of the location of the original Will, to enable the Will maker access to that certified copy as well as providing a public search facility to ascertain whether a person has made a Will or search for a missing Will.
To be the first place of enquiry to securely store a certified copy your Will with the location of the original Will and the first place of enquiry to find out if a Will has been made.
A Will removes uncertainty around the wishes of the deceased regarding distribution of assets. Just as the ownership of land has been recorded in a legally recognised register, we want to create a system which provides the security for the Will maker to know that their wishes will not be overlooked. Often times you read advertisements looking for a lost Will. This register Will provide the certainty there is a Will to be found and a copy if the original cannot be found.